Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Six months

We have seen this family several times. This little girl is growing up so fast. They did the One Year Package and it has been so fun watching this cutie change and grow! Enjoy.. and we will see them again at nine months! :)

These here are some of my favorites.  The flower in her hair is so incredibly adorable and fun.
And here is big brother.  So handsome and cooperative. 

Friday, March 12, 2010

Headshots... For a book cover

This was a fun, new and exciting session for me.  The purpose of these photos were for the cover of a book and possible other publications.  Donna Stallworth found me through a friend. Donna brought her daughter and our mutual friend to the session for guidance and support. It was so much fun!  One of my favorite things about this session was that I got to use my chair that I found for a dollar at a garage sale! Check out the book and her website.   The book title is From Prep to Pro: Through the Eyes of an NFL Mom, released January 30, 2010.  You can check out Donna Stallworth's website at You can also follow along with her on Facebook and Twitter! 


Family Fun...

This family I have photographed a few times now.  They were one of my first client's and I love to see them each year for their family photos!  They are incredibly adorable and fun during our sessions. We did some photos in the studio as well as headed out back for some outdoor shots.  I love to be able to give my client's variety in poses and backdrops!  Hope you all enjoy!