Sunday, October 5, 2008


This is something new for me. I have never done a blog, nor have I ever really thought that I would ever do one. Until recently, I had no idea what I might say in a blog. Two photographic moments were presented to me and I thought that this would be reason enough to create a blog! The first is the event written below....

I helped a friend photograph a wedding in the Bay Area not too long ago. They had a live band! Seeing and hearing this band made me wish that I had one for my wedding. Then it got me thinking that you don't need a wedding so much as a special occasion! So I need a special occasion to come along so I can enjoy this band once again. Anyway, I am going of the subject a bit...
My point is this band was awesome! I am not sure what my word really means since I have only heard a few live bands in my life time, but I thought they were awesome! Their name is Busta-Groove! and they are based out of Hayward, CA. They have a website:

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